
DIY Faux Wallpaper Ideas

June 28, 2019

I’m Deema
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I’m alive!!!  It’s been a minute since my last post, but I’ve been busy buying a home, moving in, and now I’m currently waking up 4 out of 7 nights a week in a panic because I can’t decide on a paint color or what rug size would fit best in whatever room I’m currently obsessing over.   Totally normal, right?  And if you’re not following me on Instagram already, you can check out our new home and follow along as I make it our own.

Last night I finished one of my easiest DIY’s to date!  It was probably my favorite, and one that made the biggest impact.  Insert dramatic drumroll….I attempted a faux wallpaper wall!  It was super cheap, super easy, and pretty quick.  Here’s how I did it below:

Step 1:  Supplies

You will need paint and paint brushes.  That’s it.

I got a free coupon to Benjamin Moore when I moved in, and so I went with them.img_0244

I ended up loving the paint and the color I picked!  I used Kendall Charcoal.  And FYI, you don’t need a lot. I got a quart and barely used any of it, and I had a pretty large wall to cover.  Next up, I had to get some paint brushes.


A friend recommended this pack and I used the largest brush for this project.  This pack of 6 was only $14.99 on Amazon.

2.  Quick practice and test

Grab a piece of paper and start practicing.  I have a video that may be more helpful on my Instagram, but you basically dip the paint brush in the paint, and then alternate dotting the paper at different angles.


I then taped the piece of paper on the wall so I could get an idea of how it would look.   And then I got ready!

3.  Start painting and pray


And you’re ready!  I held my breathe and hoped for the best!  I kept dipping the brush in the paint, and then dipping it on the wall while alternating angles.  It was that simple.  The entire wall took about 2 hours.


And I don’t know if you can tell from the picture, but it’s a pretty big wall.


It went from one end of the house, all the way to the kitchen.


And that’s it!  I was so happy with the end result.  This took two hours, was practically free, and look at the impact it had on the room.  If you end up trying it, I would love to see!  I wish I had taken a before picture, but this made such a difference.  And if you liked this post, you’d probably love the last one I did, 20 Ways To Add Character To Your Home.

**UPDATE*** I ended up adding this technique into one last corner of my home, except this time, using Blackest by Clare Paint.  See below!




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  1. Del Libby says:

    I simply adore your painted design. The wall is fantastic looking. I live in an apartment and can’t paint any walls and this leaves me frustrated because I would love to go paint my walls! I think you’re on to something here.

  2. […] used to be together on my dot wall, but I now have them separated.  However, they are beautiful together, and they come as a set.  […]

  3. […] I have another super easy (and cheap!) DIY that I just finished this past weekend.  Remember that Faux Wallpaper Dot Wall I did a few months ago?  Well instead of a paintbrush, I used an old dish sponge.  Yup, you read […]

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