on fridays

hey, there!

I’m Deema. Writer. Procrastinator. Hoarder of art. Obsessive redecorator. Please sign up for my newsletter or I won't shut up about it. 

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Weekly emails straight to your inbox every Friday morning. They include personal musings (usually whatever awkward scenario I found myself in that week), books/shows/movies I'm loving, summaries of podcasts that made me think, things that made me laugh, and any and everything else in between. "Like a weekly checkin with your friend." C'mon, join the family, you know you want to. All the cool kids are doing it.

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Patio Refresh

Check out one of my most popular DIYs that caused a mental breakdown or two. These painted tiles truly transformed my backyard.  

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Kitchen Reno

We finally finished the kitchen renovation after months and months!  Full blog post with cost breakdown below.

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Latest paint transformation

Before and after video below.

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“Your home should tell the story of who you are, & be a collection of what you love.” 

-Nate Berkus

5 Bed Styling
Tips (#3 is a game changer)

There are a few things in life that I’m truly good at: mastering the art of an amazing (terrible) karaoke performance, eating an obscene amount of food in record time, and styling a damn pretty bed. 

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Thinking of buying a new piece of art? Read this first.

Just like those 20 quarantine pounds that I swear came out of nowhere, the emotional love affair I’ve developed for art is

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A Behind The Curtain Look At The “EASY” Life Of An Influencer.

About 2 and half years ago I sat at my coffee stained kitchen table, and I pressed “publish” on my very first blog post. I had no idea what the hell I was doing

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Beirut, I love you

“I am ok if you hear about the explosion,” was the message I received from my father on Tuesday, August 4th at 8:31am 

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"The best design projects are where people broke the rules."

~Nate Berkus

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I'm in!

5 Design mistakes you should stop making right now.

Click the link below for the full post.

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