It’s no secret that my style has evolved since I first started my blog almost four years ago. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a design crisis, but some could argue it came pretty damn close. I’ve learned to embrace color, vintage and modern accents, and have developed an incredible appreciation (ahem, obsession) for art. Goodbye “Live Love Laugh” signs! I still remember thrifting for the first time just 2 years ago and thinking, why the hell didn’t I do this sooner? I’m slightly embarrassed (ok, really embarrassed) to admit that. And while I’ve spoken at length how much movies inspire a lot of my interiors, I find so much inspiration from the vastly talented designers I follow on Instagram, and especially the ones with different styles than myself.
And before I share this list, I’d like to state the obvious, that this is not a comprehensive list. It’s ridiculous the amount of talent out there, and it would’ve been impossible to include all the accounts that have inspired me. These just happen to be a handful of accounts that I’ve saved quite a bit lately, and I truly look forward to their posts. So without further ado..(in no particular order)
- Katie Sullivan aka Pretty Domesticated

Ok first of all, despite my selection of this picture with Katie’s face covered, it’s worth noting that she is drop dead gorgeous. I just love this photo so much, and it’s another example of how tasteful everything she does is. Katie is such an incredibly talented designer. I have followed her since the day I started my instagram account, and eventually forced her to be my friend. She is one of the few people I would blindly allow (if I was so lucky) to decorate my home, and be 100% confident I would love it. Her style is modern traditional, and everything she does always looks so elegant yet casual and effortless.

This is not a magazine, this is her gorgeous home.

Her spaces are inviting, and they remind me of so many Nancy Meyer’s movies. They feel fresh, yet cozy all at the same time.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve saved her dining area over the years, but let’s just say it’s a lot.

I wish she lived closer so I could invite myself over for coffee and sit right there on that bench.

Katie is the master of styling, and does details so well.

She always has the perfect balance of neutrals, colors, and patterns. She balances modern and traditional better than anyone I know.

And don’t get me started on her moody spaces.

Find me a more sophisticated yet casual and inviting corner, I dare you. I just love how Katie balances colors, and patterns, and textures so well.

She thinks of details that make such an immense impact on a space that I would have never thought of. I love every inch of this office.

Now go follow her on Instagram, she’s at @prettydomesticated, and be sure to check out her website here. I’m confident you will love her.
2. Carli Alves aka Made By Carli

Oh how I love Carli, she is the Queen of renovating and preserving the beauty of older homes. I have followed Carli through two different homes, and I may have shed a tear or two when she announced she was moving from that stunning 140-year old Victorian home she literally brought back to life. But when she shared her new Colonial home, I could not wait to see what she would do. She did not disappoint. Carli is a wizard with her remodels, and the way she marries historical elements with modern accents is pure magic. Her “before” and “afters” are unbelievable, and if you don’t love old homes already, she will make you love them. The “before” of this bathroom below blew my damn mind. I love every carefully thought out detail in this bathroom.

And this moody bathroom in her new home is my absolute favorite. Pay attention to all the details.

I’ve had a secret crush on the entry of her Victorian home for the longest time. And what she did to that entire space is incredible.

Carli also has such a way with paint. I love what she did with this space, and love the mix of modern and traditional elements.

You have to go see all the “before” pictures, she truly brought this space to life. I love the use of modern accents like that light fixture, mixed with some of the more historic elements like that medallion.

Something I especially adore about Carli and the spaces she designs, is that she maximizes every inch of every room. She has such a great eye. Every corner feels special.

So many beautiful details. Her spaces feel clean and calming.

And she does cozy so well. I want to grab a cup of coffee and sit by the fire in her living room.

Literally perfection.

Now go follow her on Instagram, she’s at @madebycarli, and be sure to check out her website here. You will adore her.
3. Victoria Ford aka Prepford Wife

I don’t know how else to describe the feeling I get when I see Victoria on my instagram feed, other than pure joy. If you visit her page and do not feel instantly happy than I’m sorry to say this, but you’re probably dead inside. She finds and highlights the most incredible beauty in every space she designs, and the places she visits and shares. Every square she posts on her instagram feed makes me smile and I don’t know how she does it. Victoria, why don’t you have a coffee table book? I’ll be first in line to buy it.

She has a way of taking the most simple things, and photographing them so beautifully.

And that’s exactly how I would describe her design. You feel the joy in her spaces. Victoria uses color and mixes old with new so well.

Her bathroom renovations have been hands down my favorite spaces she’s designed. Her balance of vintage and modern is beautiful. (are you seeing a pattern here with all the designers I’ve shared?)

Her spaces make me feel like I’m in a different century. And I mean that in the best way possible.

The number of times I’ve saved this bathroom is pretty embarrassing. And I’m fairly certain this was the first space I saw of Victoria’s that made me click that blue follow button.

Victoria has such a gift for maximizing small spaces. I love every detail here and especially love that wallpaper paired with that art piece and that adorable sink.

And how cute is this laundry room? This wallpaper paired with that tile is so beautiful.

She incorporates things together I would’ve never thought of, and does it in such a beautiful way.

Do you see what I mean by her spaces exuding joy?

Lastly, I just love her style.

Now go follow her on Instagram, she’s at @prepfordwife, and be sure to check out her website here. And remember, if you’re not instantly happy when you land on her page, you’re probably dead inside.
4. Stephen & David aka Renovation Husbands

Where the hell do I start? Stephen and David are two ridiculously good looking and ridiculously talented designers (and husbands) that I hope become my BFF one day and then all three of us can skip off into the sunset. Everything they do is pure magic. Their designs are so meticulously and tastefully done, that I find myself waiting for them to post. (You will have to run to their instagram just for the reels alone). They live in the most beautiful Victorian home in Boston and it’s been so fun watching them transform every space with bold and the most sexy design choices. And if you’re a regular story watcher (ahem, me), you will get glimpses of their beautiful neighborhood.

Their parlor is the sexiest room in their home, and by far my favorite. They have this unbelievable way of mixing bold colors so well. The space feels colorful, yet cozy and sophisticated. Every detail in this room from the molding to the hardware, to the lighting and the art, is just perfection.

Please take a minute to enjoy every detail here.

Their spaces flow so well together, and when you catch a glimpse of another room (like below), it’s like this delicious surprise. It’s not a skill many have, and they have completely mastered it.

Try your best to ignore the most adorable dog, and appreciate every detail in this room.

Their home is sexy and soulful and unlike so many homes I’ve seen on the gram.

Pure perfection.

Classy, sophisticated, and sexy.

But like, super cozy too.

And in case you haven’t noticed their attention to detail on every wall, it continues into their beautiful living room below.

Now go follow them on Instagram, they’re at @renovationhusbands, and be sure to check out their website here. And make sure you watch their reels, you will thank me later.
5. Alice Grace aka Alice Grace Interiors

Last and certainly not least. Every styled space of hers that appears on my Instagram feed stops me in my tracks. Every. Single. One. The art of designing a space that looks collected and not cluttered is an unbelievable skill that I don’t think many people realize. Alice is the MASTER of this skill. In fact, it’s safe to say she’s the best I’ve seen at this. And to top that off, she has an incredible eye for color and pattern. I’m terribly particular about colors, and Alice does colors and patterns in the most beautiful and effortless way.

Just magnificent. It’s almost unreal how good she is.

Her spaces are modern and vintage but also beautifully whimsical.

Such an incredibly skilled stylist.

Pay attention to every detail, every color and pattern. Alice has such an amazing way of pairing everything together so effortlessly.

If you don’t love patterns, she will make you fall in love with patterns.

Her spaces don’t look styled, they look layered and collected in the most wonderful way. And in case you didn’t know, that takes mad skills to accomplish.

I’m taking so many notes.

Every single color and detail looks like it was made for that space.

Now go follow her on Instagram, she’s at @alicegraceinteriors, and be sure to check out her website here. I bet you’ll save half of her feed.
I hope you feel inspired. I would love to know what accounts you follow that inspire you. Drop them in the comments below.
Feedback? Comment below, or email me: (Deema Tabbara Lopez) at
I’ ve heard that easy reading is hard writing. Reading your blogs are effortless, which means I can’t even begin to understand the thoughtfulness and care you take in writing them. Thank you for sharing your design friends, although they are clearly fake friends, but we’re all rooting for you to have some real ones soon.
Thank you for the kind words about my writing. Unsure if your second comment is sarcasm, but I’ll take it.
Haha! Yes definitely sarcasm. Plus, we all know you have real friends….just look at Charlie. Love the blog posts and can’t wait to see more!!
hahahaha ok I thought so, but ya never know with the internet.
Love this post. These are
beautiful interior designs and some are new to me so thank you! Alice Grace is one of my all time favorites. Your writing is so enjoyable D!
That’s a huge a compliment, thank you!
I love all of these, but Alice has my heart at the moment! Such a calming, but charming vibe!
She’s so talented!
Thank you!